Some Words About Game Hero:

  • Kratos is tha main hero of "God Of War" series.
  • He first appeared in "God Of War" in 2005.
  • In first game (God Of War) Kratos is on a quest for revenge which is continued in recently released "God Of Wars III".
  • He is a former Spartan general and had suffered from a bit of bad luck. He's lost everything he holds dear and he became a bit cranky because of it.
  • This character has passed through many stages of development with his final design being chosen due to his greek figure and brutal nature.

Weapons Of Kratos:
Kratos uses a distinct weapon in all the God Of War games. The "chain blades", a pair of swords attached by chains to Kratos' arms, were chosen to show an "brutal" nature.

However, there are many other weapons, some of which he had been given by other gods or, titans, and some he got by force from his opponents or, enemies.
There are about twenty-seven weapons, he uses. I'm just giving the name-list of weapons.
  1. Army of Hades
  2. Atlas Quake
  3. Barbarian Hammer
  4. Blade of Artemis
  5. Blade of Olympus
  6. Blade of the Gods
  7. Blades of Athena
  8. Blades of Chaos
  9. Blades of Hades
  10. Charon's Wrath
  11. Efreet
  12. Gauntlet of Zeus
  13. Golden Fleece
  14. Head of Euryale
  15. Helios Beam
  16. Hermes Winged Boots
  17. Icarus Wings
  18. Light of Dawn
  19. Medusa's Gaze
  20. Pandora's Box
  21. Poseidon's Rage
  22. Rage of the Gods
  23. Rage of the Titans
  24. Spear of Destiny
  25. Sun Shield
  26. Typhon's Bane
  27. Zeus' Fury
If you want to know about these weapons, visit this external link of wikia: "Weapons List and Discription".

And Creation Of Character:

While creating this characeter, the idea was that the character should be designed in such a way that it look 'brutal'; it should look a dangerous man. The early idea was to create the character with a mask on face, but it was rejected because, the mask does not reveal the expressions of face clearly.
Many designs were presented, from one resembling a member of an African tribe to several, using traditional Greek armors. Many changes were done to these designs in order to give a touch of greek.
One model was including an infant on the back of Kratos. Two of many early designs are shown here:

Some other included huge detailed designs, such as hairs, heavy weapons and other flowing things, which were discarded as it could be a bigger effort while creating virtual model.
Finally, the character was designed as it is present today. The "chain blades" were selected by the team as signature-weapon of Kratos, because it depicts his 'brutal' nature.

Appearance In God Of War Series:

God Of War:

Before the events in the game, Kratos was the youngest captain in Sparta's army and was quickly getting recognized because of his violent tactics. During an attack by a barbarian tribe, they were decreased in number.

At the moment the barbarian king was about to kill the Kratos, Kratos summoned Ares, the god of war, and offered his soul in exchange for victory. He continued to serve Ares until the god tricked him into killing his own family, after which he served several of the Greek gods for a decade.

He became tired of serving the gods to erase the memories of his family's murder, he contacted
Athena, who offered him forgiveness if he could stop Ares from destructing Athens.

After defeating many monsters, Kratos saves the city's oracle who tells him to retrieve Pandora's box in order to defeat Ares. Kratos succeeds in this task, but killed by Ares and sent to Hades.

Ares: "I have taught you many ways to kill a mortal, Kratos. Flesh that burns, bones that break... But to break a man's spirit... Is to truly destroy him!".

On returning from the underworld, he returns to Athens and meets face-to-face Ares, regaining control of Pandora's box and used its power to kill the god. When he discovers that the gods' forgiveness does not include allowing him to forget his mistakes, he attempts suicide, but Athena stops him and informs him that he has been granted throne of Ares on Mount Olympus. Here the story of Kratos in God Of War Ends but still continues in net seriesn

God Of War II:

God of War II begins with Kratos performing as the new god of war. He however prefers to avoid battles with other gos, instead he uses his powers to help Spartans in battle. This angered several of the other Olympians, but after receiving an ultimatum, Kratos ignored it and decided to destroy the city of Rhodes, where the Spartan army was fighting. Upon descending to the city, Zeus brings the Colossus of Rhodes to life and tricks Kratos into transferring all of his strength into the Blade of Olympus, the sword used to defeat the Titans.

Zeus then takes the control of the sword declaring to Kratos "you will never be the ruler of Olympus". After this, Gaia helps Kratos in escaping from Hades and tells him to find the Fates in order to change his destiny.

Kratos eventually reaches the temple of the Fates with the help of Atlas. The Fates decline to help him, telling that his destiny was already determined. Knowing that the Fates were not going to help him, Kratos fights and kills them. He then rewinds the thread that controlled his life and returns to the moment when Zeus betrayed him, regaining control of the Blade of Olympus again. Both engage in battle, Zeus becomes badly injured, but Athena intervenes before Kratos can kill him, resulting in her getting mortally wounded. Before dying, Athena reveals to Kratos that he is Zeus' son.
Then Kratos ends with rewinding the thread a second time and returns to the moment of the Titanomachy (Place of war), where he convinces the Titans to accompany him back to his time and engage in battle against the Olympians.

God Of War; Betrayal:

God of War; betrayal explains the time between God Of War And God Of War II series when Kratos was helping Spratans during the beginning of his reign as god of war. When he was leading Spratan army to an unknown city and as he entered, soldiers encountered Argos, a giant beast who was Hera's servant. Kratos entraps the beast but some unknown assassin kills him.
Zeus oredrs Ceryx to serve as his messenger and ask Kratos to stop the violence but Kratos refuses to cease and engages the Ceryx in battle also. He kills the Ceryx and celebrates with Spratan army but soon he realizes that
Zeus would eventually take action for this act of defiance.

God Of War; Chains Of Olympus:
God of War: Chains of Olympus explains the story before the God of War, the events in it take place ten years before the timeline of the first game. It starts in Attica, where Kratos was sent by the gods to defend the city from the Persian army.

After battle, Kratos makes his way to the crash site and discovers both the Sun Chariot and Temple of Helios. Near the temple's entrance he encounters a statue of Athena who tells him that Helios has disappeared and Morpheus has used his absence to make the gods fall "into a deep slumber." Athena wants Kratos to retrieve Helios so he can release grip of Morpheus on the other gods. Inside the temple, Eos uses a statue to communicate with Kratos and tells him that the Titan Atlas has kidnapped her brother Helios.

After awakening the fire steeds, the horses lead Kratos into Hades, the underworld. He faces Charon, but is left unconscious and is sent into Tartarus. Kratos is eventually able to climb back out of Tartarus and finally defeats Charon.

He takes the boat and follows the sunlight of Helios down the river Styx, eventually coming upon a temple, where he meets Persephone. She convinces him to "release" all of his evils by surrendering all of the powers and weapons he possessed in order to reunite with his daughter.
Persephone reveals that she released Atlas in order to destroy Olympus and kill everyone to recover her "liberty". Realizing this would kill his daughter, Kratos decides to sacrifice his humanity in order to recover the powers he lost. Kratos has a fIinal battle against Persephone at the top of the pillar that holds the world.
Kratos chains the Atlas to the pillar and kills Persephone. Helios returns to the sky but Kratos falls back towards Earth because of weakness due to battle. There ends the last installment of God Of War.

Lets see what happens in the next installment...

Thanks To:


Author: NightLocker..